Episode 04: Coronavirus // Boost your immune system

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Welcome to Episode 4

I hope you are all keeping well most importantly.

This has been one of the weirdest weeks of my life so far. The Coronavirus outbreak has caused confusion, disbelief and deep worry in most people I speak to (including me). I’ve been self-isolating for a week now (I’ve had a bug, not sure if it’s the C word!) and am getting used to the new normal, but it’s not without its challenges, having three children at home 24/7 for the foreseeable makes me feel a little wobbly!

Of course if we run a small business, freelance or work in a role that is less stable (zero hours) or in an industry that will see a big downtown (events, theatre, pubs & restaurants for example) we have additional worry over finances, whilst juggling kids and work, and worrying about loo roll supplies. This episode is in response to all of that, it’s the first in a series of special shows that I hope will help in a small way with some of the issues we are facing, and help us to feel more in control of some of the parts we have a little more scope to control, when the big things feel quite out of our control right now.

I’m calling on the wonderful women in my community to share their knowledge and ideas, which they have been doing in spades. We really are all stronger together.

This week I’m speaking to the lovely Josie from Livetothive, a nutritional therapist who has a whole heap of experience and ideas of things we can do to keep well and boost our immune system, in what is likely to be one of the most challenging periods.

We talk about nutrition - food, supplements - vitamins, minerals and the like, the Coronavirus itself and a whole heap of other stuff. Josie is a mum to three young boys and runs her own business, so understands the challenges we are facing only too well.

I hope you enjoy listening and stay positive gorgeous.


Episode 05: Coronavirus// Positive Parenting & Homeschooling 101.


Episode 03: A Style Story with Fleur McCrone